Art Clay Certification

Level 1 & Level 2 Diplomas


Workshops in Hastings are in my colourful fully equipped studio.

Please note that there are stairs to the workshop as it is on the first floor, and the toilet is located on the ground floor.

Cat Warning!!  We have a friendly cat who sometimes like to supervise what is going on in her home and to say hello to visitors! 

To book please email me or Whatsapp 07900048074



Do you sometimes find group workshops a bit intimidating or frustrating? Doing certification in a group isn’t for everyone. There is the peer pressure of keeping up with others plus having to wait your turn to ask questions. If this resonates with you why not consider doing certification on a one-to-one basis.

On these certification courses your work needs to achieve high enough marks to pass and it has to be all your own work, but I will make work along side you and be there to advise and demo as needed – but I’ll be totally hands off your work! 🙂 I try to make these workshops as relaxed as possible! I teach each Level over 4 days allowing you time to make without being too rushed, so you can work to the best of your ability and without any peer pressure.

Level 1 (4 days)

On the Level 1 diploma you will make 6 projects covering a wide range of skills.
Cost £1195 includes all materials and use of all tools. All you need to bring is a packed lunch for each day and lots of enthusiasm!

Level 2 (4 days)

On the Level 2 diploma you will make 4 projects covering a wide range of skills which follow on from the Level 1. You have to pass Level 1 before you can take Level 2.
Cost £1195 includes all materials and use of all tools. All you need to bring is a packed lunch for each day and lots of enthusiasm!

I also teach these on two-to-one if you want to learn with a friend. Two-to-one prices for Level 1 or Level 2,  4 day workshops are £750 per person.

Please note – if you are a fast worker you might be able to finish these workshops in a shorter time.

Combined Level 1 & Level 2 Diplomas (7 days) – NOTE: this is currently unavailable.

Are you feeling up to a real challenge? Make a learning holiday out of it and do both Levels consecutively over 7 days, or with a day or two break in the middle to sight see in and around Hastings and 1066 Country.
This is HARD WORK! Definitely not for the faint hearted, and you should have previous experience of using Art Clay Silver!!

Cost £poa includes all materials and use of all tools. All you need to bring is a packed lunch each day, lots of enthusiasm and a good dose of staying power! 🙂


Examples of Art Clay Certification pieces made by students
